Thu 09 Jan
704-230-7438 Avail NOW for IN & OUT calls! Come have fun!! I'm waiting! - 27
(Clearwater, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
☆UNяUSHεD💌☆ 💋$pecial$ AvailableKiNkY🐰BUNNI 🐰NeW PiCs 📷 Call now 💎💎 incalls OnLy 9013028992 - 22
(Memphis, Sycamore view)
NEW •°o★o°•___ 1OO% Me or FREE_1OO% N.AUGHT.Y ___★ SuPer SeXy ★ BoDy ★ _(( EXOTIC )) _•°o★o° - 23
(Memphis, Incall ☆• •☆ Sycamore View ☆• •☆)
((Let ME WaRM YoU Up iN ThE cOLDEsT wEATHEr)) lONDON CaLL NoW 4 MY sPEAcILs.... - 21
(Memphis, iNCALL ONLY!!)
Juicy drippen tight & rite Airport areas finest 60$$ Incall specials - 26
(Memphis, airways and democrat)
!!!!!! TOP choice!!! AVAILABLE NOW*NEW PEtite PLaymaTe*** IN & OUT call encounters!!! - 23
(North SD County, sandiego/oceanside)
Check Out These Beautiful Young Playmates * Offering Crazy Low Prices and The Best Service! - 21
(Memphis and Tunica)
AMBER ` The CuRe To YoUr BlOnDe AdDiCtIoN~ 5'5 105LBS SpEcIaLs 80/130/175 - 20
(mem.miss/ark/to you boyz)
HEY BABY come over 2 MYSPACE n TWITTER w/ my YAHOO til' I GOOGLE all over your FACEbook! - 35
60&70 qv spl leaving tonight last chance to visit with this Italian beauty - 25
(Memphis, memphis tn)
☆🎀 δω℮℮†💓 YυϻϻY 💓 tR℮αT 👅 ★ 💜 H℮R℮ ➋ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd 💝 🌹 ✷ ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε ♡ ¤ ☆💕 - 21
(In or out, Memphis)
Try Something New 💕 Dripping 💦 waiting for YOU . Hayward INCALL - 21
(East Bay, Hayward Oakland Fremont)
💖✋LOOK!💋 Dyersburg area.. Incall SPECIALS⏳ Tonight ONLY!✴ Call Me✴ ➡NOW! - 27
(Dyersburg area Tonight, Memphis)
☆ Gorgeous ☆ American ☆ SPEC☆ Beauty ☆ Rayne - 25
(Memphis(EAST) Plush Incall just for you!)
~**Ms.Black Haitian Queen**~ SPECIAL...(Me and My GirlFriend) 2Play With You - 21
☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ BANGIN CALI BLONDE ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ - 21
(Clearwater ulmerton, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
CAUTION!!! Beauty Struck on this page ~ make sure u can handle IT b4 u click on it!!!!!! - 33
(north county)
♥♫♥♫♥ This Is A Must See♥♫♥ SERIOUS Calls ONLY!!♥♫♥ One Of A Kind ♥♫♥100%Puerto Rican♥♫♥♫♥ - 25
ReaL *-:-* Me *-:-* 60$ *-:-* Re@L Be@uTy *-:-* SpEciALs ~ @LL Tre@Ts ~ @v@iL@bLe - 26
(Memphis, >> East Memphis <<)
💎💕💖💕🌟💖💛💖💛☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥natural! ♥REDHEAD ρℓαγmαtε 💎 💎🌟💋💎💕 - 33
(Memphis, North Memphis and surrounding areas)
New*B🅾🅾TY💄❌ШѦRNⓘNG✘ 👅👄kɨʟʟɛʀ ʍօʊtɦ🍆🍌 ✴SKiLLŞ💯%👌 ↪ყσυηɢ&ρυRε💎✊ԵɪɢɦԵ&ƒяεαK - 23
(American Way 6787538682, Memphis)
Sexy**Sweet** Hot Body** Girl Next Door Gone Wild! .... Kendra - 24
(Tampa, Tampa, Clearwater, St. Pete)
———*——— NEW HOT PICTURES ————*———— REVIEWED ————— * ——— Established LATINA ———$125 INCALL NOW!——**—— - 35
(Oakland, Oakland NOW! UP LATE!)
{{{{{ TREAT }}}}}} * - * - * - * - * - * - * {{{{ YOURSELF }}} **** 90 SPECIAL *** - 23
Wed 08 Jan
NeW! (((( (((((( ((((( ((((( ((((( ((((( BloNde GoDdess )))))) ))))) )))))) ))))) )))))) NeW!
(upscale location)
♛ 100 ♥ FUN ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ ADDICTING ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ GORGEOUS ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ SEXY BODY ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ 100 - 37
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
*~*~*~*~* Beautiful Asian Girl Jamie With 971-322-0228 *~*~*~*~* Outcall Only - 24
(Portland, Outcall Only)
IN PITTSBURG! A 36 DDD T A N T R A / K A M A G O D D E S S : w e b s I t e & v I d e o - 32
(Center City, Green tree/downtown, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh)
★ §x¥¥ _★ _ ★_ XOTiC _★_ ANGEL ★ SPECIALS - 22
(East Valley, Incall/outcall: I-10&elliot;/all over)
$pECiAl 100NEW SwEEt & SeXy All NaTuRaL BloNdE HoTTiE - 22
(Tampa/Incall only)
°★ __ *60Spl* (((°° M= A= R= I=E °°))) ------ *60Spl* °★ Mixed & TrUe!!! - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Bush Blvd. & 275(by bush gardens))
(UPSCALE) L•°_•E• _°•T•°_°• S °• ( BLONDE BABE ) •°•P•° _ °•L•°_ °•A•°_°•Y•° ♥ - 24
(Memphis, incall and outcall)
=NEW LOCATION==== Roman New Age Spiritual Recovery =Rubdowns======= ============ ========= - 25
(Memphis, midtown/downtown)
-:¦:- XXX RATED -:¦:- KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & NauGHTy -:¦:- sEdUcTiVe -:¦:-* * * - 28
(Memphis, Tunica, MS)
【UlTiMaTe ❤ UnRuShEd 】【 PLeaSuRe ❤ FuN !!】★ 【 Keep it UP ❤ All NiGhT 】★ - 24
(Memphis, Incall Memphis & Outcall)
✰.• Pretty Tia's Wednesday Specials Today ONLY!...I'm Ever Man's fantasy...;)*✰ - - 21
(Memphis, Memphis and Surrounding AREAS)