Mon 27 Jan
★•BUSTY • ★☆— •☆•—((✰ SMOKIN' HOT BOMBSHELL✰))—★☆ •5-STAR• ★☆ OXFORD OUTcalls← ← ← - 22
(North Mississippi, columbus upcale incall)
CARLY-Sexy, Fun, Hot!!!! 27- 5'5 -125 -38C AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW 901-292-0275 - 25
Golfers in Philadelphia, MS April 17 to April 21....looking for FUN with HOT WOMEN!!!! - 45
(Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi)
██████████ ████████ ██ ██ ██ BUSTY HOTT RAW FREAK VIDEO STAR ██ ██ ██ ██████████ ██████████ - 19
(Memphis, Sycamore View Shelby oaks incalls only)
Buffie → ☎901-462-1064☎ ▒▓▓ ♥"Ur dReAmM MiZtrEZ"♥▓▓▒ →→■ ⇨Out CaLl = 85→→■⇨ - 28
(Memphis, Memphis,Ark,Ms,ALL Truckers welcome)
beautiful bombshell caramel beauty*** U nique *** S€XY as SH€ WANNA BE ** UP ALL Nit€ - 25
(Memphis, sycamore view,, Raleigh,Cordova, In my b)
plus sized women wants to go on 100$ shopping spree for hour of your time - 29
(holly springs ms, North Mississippi)
Beauty ** All ** Over ** Come ** Have ** Fun ** With ** M$* Kandi ** 24/7 $ervice ** (901)672-5034 - 22
(Memphis, Near the airport....Tunica)
🌸 Beautiful 💋💖 Eye💎Kandy 💖 Top 💖 notch 💕#1💕💎 sweet🍬late night $45🍭 specials - 28
(Memphis, Sycamore view)
B -U -S -T -Y___ C -O -M- P-A -N- I- O- N___H- E- R -E___T- O___C- A- T- E- R___U - - 24
Aaapris ~ bestmphsescort ~ ATTACKS ~ AIM Entertainment ~ mphsbestescort ~ AGAIN
(Memphis and Surrounding Area)
º•ºAvaILAblE NoWº•º ((NEW to ToWn)) ((TraveLinG TReAT Come OuT AnD PlaY)) ((SafE º•º DisCrEet)) - 23
Comfort Models is now Hiring incall & outcall Attractive Blonde's To work in Auburn Al great Money - 99
(Hiring now Auburn Al Blonde's, Memphis)
【Sexy 】 ★【 Brunette】★ HOTT MiStReSS【 Petite】ItALiAn GoDDeSS Out Call Only - 23
(Lafayette, Lafayette New IBeria Opelousas ect.)
NO TEXTING!💎💋💄👠👉I'm The Only One You Need👑 Spoil Me... I SPOIL YOU!! 💋Sexy Tiny Body NO BLACK men - 24
(Lafayette, Lafayette in/outcalls)
A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y * S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ S.E.C.R.E.T {♥} █▒█{♥} -20 - 20
💄👡👜💰aMaZiNg DEALS on OUTCALLS all DAY and NIGHT. CALL NOW 👠👌💲💎💦🍒 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville/Southern Indiana)
RaRe••••• QuAliTy ••••• FoR ••••• BP ••••• GF ••••• MaTeRiAl - 34
80 iNcaLL $peCiaLs/// SeXyyy Lacey ReaLLy HoT ** // 80 Specials - 42
(louisville, Louisville East End)
Beautiful Tall Blonde Awaits/ Lady Waiting/ATHENS, TN. INCALL/Escort/Sensual Massage. - 35
(Athens TN. private residence Athens, Knoxville)
*****A Class****** Above The Rest******* Monday Specials ******* Finger Licking Good ****** - 38
(Knoxville, Knoxville Areas)
With A Body Like This You Wont Forget ! Incall&&Outcall; Special's Unique(859)433-3555 - 20
(Lexington, Incall Or Outcall 😍)
(( ====> || ADDICTIVE || ====> || PLEASURABLE || ====> || INTOXICATING || ====> || EBONY PLAYMATE|| - 25
(College Station)
YoU'LL NeVeR FoRGeT ME BaBy♡#1E✖ΘTiC &FuN;ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ*Hhr~Hr Specials*♡Available Now!♡CoMe ReLax w/ME♡C(; - 23
Visiting § • Highly Reviewed Petite CHEROKEE Beauty • REAL PICS * 100% INDEPENDENT • § Visiting - 27
(Memphis, Residential Outcall Memphis/Surr Areas)
STOP ✋RiGHT ✋THΞRΞ !!☁GORGEOUS PETITE ✴H🇪aV🇪🇳 ⛅✴ 🅾🇳⛅🇪a🇷🇹H⛅S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨╠╣ot - 23 - 23
(Nashville, airport / downtown/ out call available)
**Sexy %% Thick $$ Freaky *% Chocolate ** Treat #$ (New To Town) *%$ Exotic...(901)364~4015 ** - 23
(Nashville, Nashville (Near The Airport))